Thank you for participating as a beta tester for inTheory, our DeSci funding platform. inTheory provides researchers with a low-touch platform for communicating their work to the world while also earning crowdsourced supplementary income. Any user can support science by collecting project-inspired generative artworks.

This Notion document should have all the information you need to complete testing, provide feedback, and claim your beta tester POAP.

By participating as a beta tester, you will help shape the platform before launch and will earn priority review for any applications that you submit to feature a project on inTheory.

<aside> ❓ Questions? Here’s how to reach us:

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Getting Started

Creating a web3 wallet and getting testnet assets

In order to test the platform, you will need to have a web3 wallet installed (we recommend MetaMask). inTheory will be launching on the Polygon and Celo blockchain networks, and is currently operating on their testnets (Polygon Mumbai and Celo Alfajores).

Both test networks can be added to your wallet by navigating to the links below, scrolling to the bottom of the page, and clicking “Add testnet network”

To simulate funding a project, you will need the following testnet assets, which can be obtained for free using the links provided:

To view the payment tokens in your wallet, you will need to import them to your wallet using their contract addresses: